Course Offerings

In the rapidly growing and changing field of recovery-oriented psychiatric rehabilitation services, PAPRS continues to offer opportunities for practitioners to improve skills and upgrade their PR knowledge base to our members or anyone interested in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation.

Course Schedule can be found in the 2024 Continuing Education Dates, and in the Calendar.  All registration is done through the calendar. 

Please note that registration is a two-step process:

  1) Register for the class and set up payment through the calendar.

  2) Save the confirmation email and use the link in that message to register for Zoom.  Save the Zoom link to your own calendar and use this link to access the class.

Continuing Education credit 

To receive credit and have a certificate uploaded to your transcript, you must complete the course evaluation at the end of the class.  

 PAPRS offers a variety of courses meeting education requirements for Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners and Certified Family & Resiliency Practitioners. 

The PAPRS Course Catalog provides a full description of all course offerings. 

Disability Access Accommodation Requests

PAPRS will make every effort to provide reasonable access accommodations for our virtual education sessions.  To request accommodations, please complete the Accommodation Request within the course registration form.  Please register early:  PAPRS cannot guarantee the accommodation when the registration form is filed later than two weeks prior to the first session day for the education event.

PAPRS Cancelation & Refund Policy 

Refund requests submitted in writing, will be granted according to the following timelines: 

Refund requests submitted 2 weeks or more prior to the course start date will be granted a full refund minus a processing fee.  

No refunds will be provided within 2 weeks of the course or event start date.  

Substitutions for registrations will be accepted by sending a request to [email protected] 


Practitioner Orientation: Foundation for Recovery-Oriented Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services

This course is 4 virtual sessions for a total of 12 hours. This 12-hour orientation provides an overview of the larger field of psychiatric rehabilitation.  The foundation topics include PRS history, principles, values, documentation, types of programs, ethics, collaboration, practice competencies, and more. This training fulfills the licensure requirement that ALL staff in a psychiatric rehabilitation program must complete a 12-hour PRS orientation provided by an OMHSAS approved training vendor.  You must attend the full 12 hours in order to obtain your certificate.

Credit Hours: 12

Total price for the entire course:  Members $175; Non-Members $300

PR Services Documentation: Skills that Work for Regulators, Payers, and People in Services 

This course is 4 virtual sessions for a total of 12 hours. This 12-hour skills-based course is designed to enhance practitioners’ skills in documenting Psychiatric Rehabilitation services.  Developed in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS), the course concentrates on documenting functional assessments, rehabilitation plans and daily entries that meet the requirements of PR Regulation 5230.  The instructor will also demonstrate how a comprehensive strength-based assessment provides a strong foundation for goal planning. Attendees will have the opportunity to apply the skills learned through several guided activities. You must attend the full 12 hours in order to obtain your certificate.

Credit Hours: 12

Total price for the entire course:  Members $175; Non-Members $300

 PAPRS CPRP Journey Through the Domains - Live Bootcamp

This live virtual journey through the PR Domains will provide individuals preparing to take the CPRP exam with the opportunity to thoroughly examine the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be a Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioner.
This course is designed for individuals who have been working in the field, explored their path to credentialing, and are familiar with the exam domains.
This is not an orientation to psychiatric rehabilitation services. Individuals should be familiar with core principles, multicultural principles, PR ethics, language guidelines, etc.

**Participants must attend each of the sessions in their entirety, participate in all activities, complete any required assignments between classes and posttests, and submit an evaluation to receive a certificate of attendance and/or continuing education credits.  Any make-up sessions are at the sole discretion of the facilitator and not guaranteed.

Credit Hours: 28

Total price for the entire course:  $375; Non-members $475

 Ethics & Boundaries in Recovery-Oriented Services & Using the PR Code of Ethics in Recovery-Oriented Services

This course is designed to address every day ethical challenges in recovery-oriented services. Ethical dilemmas put practitioners at risk to make unprofessional decisions that may negatively impact individuals served as well as jeopardize the integrity of the service system. Faced with increasingly demanding and complex situations, this course will walk participants through an ethical decision-making process and the practical application of recovery-oriented Codes of Ethics. This course is designed to address every day ethical challenges in recovery-oriented services. Ethical dilemmas put practitioners at risk to make unprofessional decisions that may negatively impact individuals served as well as jeopardize the integrity of the service system. This course will give participants an opportunity to study and discuss Psych Rehab Code of Ethics.  Attendees will then practice using an ethical decision-making process and the Codes of Ethics through guided activities.  This course is 2 virtual sessions for a total of 6 hours

Credit Hours: 6

Total price for the entire course:  $75; Non-members $175

Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for Direct Care Staff Working in Outpatient Health and Behavioral Health Care Settings

This Couse is a 3.0 credit-hour training for staff who provide direct care to clients and support the clinicians managing client treatment, normally delivered in a 3.5-hour block of time.

This course teaches skills in the recognition, assessment, and management of suicide risk and the delivery of effective suicide-specific interventions.  The course provides participants with the opportunity to increase the knowledge and skills they need to address suicide risk and behaviors in outpatient settings.

  After training, participants will have:

  1. Increased knowledge in the following core competencies: maintaining an effective attitude and approach, collecting accurate assessment information, formulating risk, developing a treatment and services plan, and managing care.
  2. Increased willingness, confidence, and clarity in working with individuals at risk for suicide.
  3. Increased ability to identify how they can better care for individuals at risk for suicide.

Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk (AMSR) addresses the core competencies that meet suicide care standards established by national organizations including The Joint Commission, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Veterans Administration, and others.  AMSR is the curriculum created by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center and Zero Suicide Institute and produced by Education Development Center. 

Credit Hours: 3 

Total price for the entire course:  Members - $50; Non-Members: $75

 PRS Principles, Values & Practice Domains: Preparation for the CPRP Exam

This course provides an overview of the core principles and values of psychiatric rehabilitation practice.  The principles are implemented through seven practice competency domains that define professionally delivered psychiatric rehabilitation services.  This course is intended to provide guidance and support for practitioners who seek a successful CPRP testing experience. The course is offered in two 3-hour sessions, for a total of 6 hours.

Credit Hours: 6

Total price for the entire course:  Members $75; Non-members $175

Engagement Skills in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Process

This course is held in 2 three-hour sessions.  This 6-hour course provides an opportunity to develop professional helping skills.  The foundation topics include developing basic helping skills, stages of the helping process, integration of Motivational Interviewing techniques, and transitioning through the phases of the psychiatric rehabilitation process utilizing engagement skills. 

Credit Hours: 6

Total price for the entire course:  $75; Non-members $175

Creating Welcoming Services for LGBTQIA+ Individuals and their Families

Diversity education is broadening to include not only competencies pertaining to sexual orientation but also fundamental issues of gender identity and biological variation. Creating a non-judgmental and affirming environment for all persons enhances provider's service delivery and the individual's care seeking behavior. This training explores the effects of language, culture, and power dynamics as well as helping us examine our own attitudes, values, and thoughts that are conditioned by our own upbringing and knowledge. This course is 2 virtual sessions for a total of 6 hours. 

Credit hours: 6

Total price for the entire course:  Members $75; Non-members $175

Toward Cultural Competence in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practice

There is a strong interrelationship between being culturally competent and being an effective psychiatric rehabilitation practitioner. We will address the continually expanding details about cultural competence and the ways that it is reflected in our CPRP Ethics and Principles. Case studies will bring life to the discussion, give depth to the notion of cultural context, and increase understanding about one’s own cultural dynamic.

For more information on credit hours, price, and to schedule, please contact us at [email protected].

Supporting Youth & Young Adults in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services - On Demand

Supporting Youth & Young Adults in PR Services in an online course designed to address Principles of Care and Support for you and emerging adults, the philosophy of Positive Youth Development (PYD), individualized developmentally appropriate services, social determinants of mental health, and trauma informed care. This course provides an introduction to providing support to youth & young adults in psychiatric rehabilitation services.

For more information on credit hours, price, and to schedule, please contact us at [email protected].

Orientation to Medicaid Funded Peer Support Services Documentation

Along with reviewing the PA regulations concerning documentation, the training will address the major components of peer documentation including:

  • Strengths Based Assessment
  • Individual Service Plan  
  • Progress Notes
  • Discharge Planning
  • Collaborative Documentation

In addition to these topics, the training provides ample opportunities for the trainees to apply the skills learned, through guided activities of writing the above-mentioned documentation.

For more information on credit hours, price, and to schedule, please contact us at [email protected].

Healing Voices 

Severe mental emotional distress and the lives it affects is an ever-growing problem. Is there something fundamentally wrong with our current mainstream approach to mental health? If so, what are the issues and how can we best take action to address them? HEALINGVOICES, as a body of work, is not an end in itself. But it can be a catalyst. A wormhole of sorts, to open up our thinking. An opportunity to help us reframe what we have now learned about what society calls “mental illness.” And that is this: People can and do recover from even the most severe mental health challenges. Their lives aren’t broken. And that there are alternative treatments that have proven to be effective, enabling people to live full meaningful lives.   

Credit Hours:  3

Total price for the entire course:  Members $15; Non-members $30

Skills in Psychiatric Rehabilitation

Teaching skills to individuals, either in group or one-to-one, is an essential psychiatric rehabilitation intervention used as part of assisting people to gain and maintain desired rehabilitation goals in targeted environments in the community. This course presents the basics of direct skills teaching, including planning what to teach and deciding how to teach it.

Credit Hours:  3

Total price for the entire course:  Members $50; Non-members $150

Using the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Process in Supervision

Are you currently providing supervision for psychiatric rehabilitation staff? Are you looking for an approach to inspire, teach, challenge and evaluate yourself and your staff? Join us to develop a collaborative, strength-based approach for supervision in psychiatric rehabilitation programs.

Credit Hours:  3

Total price for the entire course:  Members $50; Non-members $150